Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Thursday , February 29, 2024 If you don't like the weather in New Jersey , just wait a few hours . I guess everyone says that about their QTH , but when I went horizontal last night , the temperature outside was 59F 15C When I woke up this morning , it was 30F 1C If we had any thunderstorms last night , I slept through them . This burst of cold air is not to last , though . We should be back to seasonable temperatures tomorrow , with the next week or so promising high temps in the 50s F each day and lows each evening in the 30s F . Spring is coming closer and closer , and as John K3WWP is so fond of saying , tomorrow March 1st is the beginning of meteorological . Spring I did notice some small